Flame Angelfish


SKU: flame-angelfish

Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loricula)

The Flame Angelfish is a vibrant addition to aquariums, featuring bold red/orange hues with vertical black stripes accentuating the body and horizontal black stripes along the caudal portions of the blue-tipped dorsal and anal fins.

To thrive, the Flame Angelfish necessitates a minimum 70-gallon aquarium with ample hiding spots and live rock for grazing. However, it tends to nip at stony and soft corals, sessile invertebrates, and clam mantles. If introduced to a peaceful community, it should be the last fish added. This species adapts well to aquarium life but should be housed in an established system with dissimilar genera. It’s highly sensitive to elevated copper levels, avoiding exposure near or above 0.15 ppm.

The Flame Angelfish is hermaphroditic, challenging to breed in an aquarium, with no distinguishable color differences between males and females.

Their diet should include Spirulina, marine algae, high-quality angelfish preparations, mysis or frozen shrimp, and other high-quality meaty items.

Variations in coloration and markings exist based on the collection location. Marshall Island Flame Angelfish are redder with thicker black bars, while Christmas Island Flame Angelfish have thin black bars. Cebu Flame Angelfish are red/orange with undefined black bars and a hint of yellow, and Tahiti Flame Angelfish are rare, blood red, with little to no yellow. Prices differ due to collection and transportation expenses.

Approximate Purchase Size:
– Small: 1″ to 2″
– Medium: 2″ to 2-3/4″
– Large: 2-3/4″ to 4″